I pondered, what would it look like if we could produce those explosions in one huge fireball at one location. My imagination is astounded trying to visualize the resulting carnage. I suppose that were it possible to set that off in one spot, we could likely drive Earth to a new orbit. Considering all other fuel air mixtures that are being set off concurrently, it even gets more stupendous. Not only are there other types of transportation vehicles adding to this total, but stationary engines and heating plants also contribute their combustions. If exploded in one place we could possibly even drive ourselves into a time warp. Of course, bringing this demonstration to fruit would be unlikely. Nevertheless, we are exploding fuel at this rate.
Unfortunately because all these explosions are encased in metal containers, we do not see evidence they are occurring. Without that evidence we keep our throttles open, constantly pouring more fuel on the fire. Nonetheless all the heat and exhaust gases of our imagined inferno are being created and pushed into the air constantly. It does not seem too much a stretch to imagine we may be in critical straights creating this fire eternally. Its power seems so immense it brings me to consider ancient prophecies concerning our world’s demise. It many cultures a story that this present world will end by fire accompanies tales that the last one ended by water.
One such tale, sees Noah escaping the flood. Other tales relate similar endings. I ponder how deep did the waters get before folks realized it was a flood of serious proportions. Bringing that thought to the present, makes me wonder; at what point will we realize that we are indeed on fire.
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