Sometimes they, too, have been put to death. As much as there is an outcry to receive signs, noticing them tends to be dangerous. Taking such a risk, I have conducted a survey of signs, I noticed in my venturing. By far, the sign I perceived the most gives a message summed up in a single word--STOP. Two others that occur just as regularly give the secret message to either Yield or WRONG WAY--DO NOT ENTER. It seems odd that given the cry for signs, most folks look to the skies and are often disappointed when a celestial event seems non spectacular. But on the other hand, the glut of signs ringing the planet go unheeded except in traffic matters. I wonder could some larger force be trying to signal us that the course humanity treads is headed the wrong way and needs to be stopped.
Another set of voices creates a din that shouts the message we are indeed headed for disaster. Words used summon the message we are out of control and beyond recovery. Phrases often heard include the words tipping point, uncontrollable spin, and irreversible course. If this is indeed where we are headed, the pertinent question is what and how can I stop. It seems in talking with a friend, Trish, we are prevented from stopping unless there appears to be a collective agreement that we will all come to a halt. Unfortunately, this way of thinking propels us like lemmings to the brink. So as I drive back to Ithaca from my short sojourn to New England, I will ponder what must I bring to a halt and how do I apply the brakes.
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