I am approaching an area where I lived a significant length of time. As a matter of fact it is the only area where I approached being a settler. I lived on Martha’s Vineyard for 21 years. It is the only place that held me for more than a year since I left my parent’s house at age 17. The whole time I lived on Martha’s Vineyard, I romanced the notion of leaving and being on the road. When I left there in 2004, it was with the express goal of living this life I am currently enjoying. It has taken since then to spring my dream into action. I have revisited this area and friends I left behind several times since moving away. This is the first time coming back as a sojourner.
Coming back even for a visit stirs a deep mix of feelings. Of course, I miss many friends I left behind and a wealth of memories associated with location. The disconcerting part is when I reflect about the considerable effort it took to spring me from this place that was almost home. It feels traumatic. My sense is that at best living there provided only a semblance of home and felt entrapping. It was almost as if I was being held prisoner to some foreign notion of what home means. These feelings foster dread that I may again be captured and held against my will or better judgment. Again the call of the sirens may be overwhelming. On the other hand returning and being able to leave on my own volition could be empowering and lessen the traumatic effect of imprisonment.
Only time will tell.
Returning to my blog with a new story line. For the past year, i have taken up a daily practice of setting rocks to balance. Here is the story.
Welcome to Balanced Rocks: Pictures and Stories
Beginning March 16,2010, I began a journey of balancing rocks. I hold to the practice of setting to balance at least five sculptures a day, sometimes, many more. Of these I take lots of pictures and videos. While conducting this adventure, I have been introduced to an incredible unfolding story. Additionally, I discovered this phenomenon is manifesting worldwide. As I post pictures and stories, I found many others similarly engaged and sharing their works. Additionally, as folks come upon me performing my work, many want to find out how this is done and try themselves. This blog shares this work in both pictures and stories. Enjoy
A seeming impossibility becomes possible
Rock Balancing: The Beginning
On a fine summer day, sometime in August, 2009, I was visiting family in Toronto. Like most folks spending summer in a large city, we used up as much time as we could finding outdoor events that would cool us. One afternoon, we headed to the Beaches section of East Toronto. After spending some time playing in a large sandbox in the shade with my grandkids and some of their newfound companions, we headed to the Boardwalk that extends from Balmy Beach to Kew Gardens. Ella accompanied me, Liam took off with his mom, Natalie. They ventured down the boardwalk, Ella and I headed onto the sand toward the water’s edge. Halfway there we encountered what looked like a small size Stonehenge.
About a dozen sculptures were gathered together in a rough circle. Each was a stack of two or three rocks balanced one on another. The tallest one was slightly taller than Ella, who was small average height for a five year older. All were in the neighborhood of three feet and four feet tall. What immediately jumped out was the precarious nature of the balancing. Most points of contact were miraculously slight. Most seemed to be standing on a point. Two more folks were witnessing this amazing display. We imagined that there must be small metal rods embedded at the point of contact, or else some kind of glue was used. Each of us peered from close low angles to detect what could account for this mystical display. Ella, not being so cautious, toppled one structure over. Luckily, it did not land on her.
I hurried over and picked up the fallen rock. I saw no evidence of a rod or glue. It indeed had been balanced on its pedestal. I lifted it up and tried to place it back where I reckoned it had been balanced. I cautioned Ella, to be careful and not upset any more sculptures and went about the task of finding balance. I was not successful and struggled immensely but did not find the magic spot where stability could be achieved. After a lengthy effort, an attractive Asian woman about my age approached and gently nudged me aside offering to demonstrate her work. She pointed to the spot she would set the stone upon. She called it by a foreign name. To me it looked like a slight dimple.
Placing the small end of the upper rock into that hollow, she deftly and quickly moved it around, slightly twisting and cajoling it into position. The sight of this slender woman with longish graying hair performing an intricate dance with a rock slightly larger than her head emanated calmness. It seemed only the ends of her fingers were used to achieve these small movements. Apparently, equilibrium was close. Shortly she was done and withdrew her palms which naturally assumed an open prayer posture. The rock I had grappled with was majestically resting in its previous stable state. She next went over and reset two other structures, I had not noticed were also amiss. I just took them to be part of the rubble strewn about the beach. Now all the display was standing and providing a small sense of order in our chaotic world.
I never got this woman’s name, but heard her story. She had set this display up for the purpose of taking pictures, one of which she hoped to use for a cover of a book she was publishing. Unfortunately not getting her name makes it difficult to find her book. But I carried away with me the sight of her presentation and the incredible feeling I had witnessed an amazing ethereal event. I also felt an urge to explore this practice.
About a dozen sculptures were gathered together in a rough circle. Each was a stack of two or three rocks balanced one on another. The tallest one was slightly taller than Ella, who was small average height for a five year older. All were in the neighborhood of three feet and four feet tall. What immediately jumped out was the precarious nature of the balancing. Most points of contact were miraculously slight. Most seemed to be standing on a point. Two more folks were witnessing this amazing display. We imagined that there must be small metal rods embedded at the point of contact, or else some kind of glue was used. Each of us peered from close low angles to detect what could account for this mystical display. Ella, not being so cautious, toppled one structure over. Luckily, it did not land on her.
I hurried over and picked up the fallen rock. I saw no evidence of a rod or glue. It indeed had been balanced on its pedestal. I lifted it up and tried to place it back where I reckoned it had been balanced. I cautioned Ella, to be careful and not upset any more sculptures and went about the task of finding balance. I was not successful and struggled immensely but did not find the magic spot where stability could be achieved. After a lengthy effort, an attractive Asian woman about my age approached and gently nudged me aside offering to demonstrate her work. She pointed to the spot she would set the stone upon. She called it by a foreign name. To me it looked like a slight dimple.
Placing the small end of the upper rock into that hollow, she deftly and quickly moved it around, slightly twisting and cajoling it into position. The sight of this slender woman with longish graying hair performing an intricate dance with a rock slightly larger than her head emanated calmness. It seemed only the ends of her fingers were used to achieve these small movements. Apparently, equilibrium was close. Shortly she was done and withdrew her palms which naturally assumed an open prayer posture. The rock I had grappled with was majestically resting in its previous stable state. She next went over and reset two other structures, I had not noticed were also amiss. I just took them to be part of the rubble strewn about the beach. Now all the display was standing and providing a small sense of order in our chaotic world.
I never got this woman’s name, but heard her story. She had set this display up for the purpose of taking pictures, one of which she hoped to use for a cover of a book she was publishing. Unfortunately not getting her name makes it difficult to find her book. But I carried away with me the sight of her presentation and the incredible feeling I had witnessed an amazing ethereal event. I also felt an urge to explore this practice.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Honoring a commitment: Dartmouth, MA
Yesterday, I headed out towards New England with the intent of finding some helpfulness to engage me. On the way I called ahead to notify some friends my journey was headed their way. One of them divulged it was her birthday. So, I promptly decided to head to Dartmouth MA and deliver a greeting and gift. The first catch was that I felt it important to honor my vow of not using the Interstate highway system, nor road maps. Interesting. A journey that I had previously made many times in around four hours took over ten. But by sticking to my pledge, I was granted some tiny but valuable gifts. Foremost was that I was treated to some terrain that until then I only zipped by and never had the chance to view up close nor stop and absorb.
During the whole journey I meditated about automobile travel and how it has changed in my lifetime and about how society has likewise been altered as auto voyages have increased both in range and speed. By virtue of being in slow traffic and some stop lights, I was able to focus on local sites. Between Newtown and Southbury, CT there are a variety of antique shops and variety stores. Stopping in and talking to some storekeepers provided me with a good contact that more than compensates for whatever advantages can be got hold of by speedy travel. When I retrace this route, it will feel more familiar and I have some stopping places.
My last desire was fulfilled that when I arrived at my friend’s house and a clogged drain, leaky faucet, and broken light fixture were calling for attention. So today begins with purpose and focus on part of my call. Next we shall see what is added.
During the whole journey I meditated about automobile travel and how it has changed in my lifetime and about how society has likewise been altered as auto voyages have increased both in range and speed. By virtue of being in slow traffic and some stop lights, I was able to focus on local sites. Between Newtown and Southbury, CT there are a variety of antique shops and variety stores. Stopping in and talking to some storekeepers provided me with a good contact that more than compensates for whatever advantages can be got hold of by speedy travel. When I retrace this route, it will feel more familiar and I have some stopping places.
My last desire was fulfilled that when I arrived at my friend’s house and a clogged drain, leaky faucet, and broken light fixture were calling for attention. So today begins with purpose and focus on part of my call. Next we shall see what is added.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Gotta get a bigger bus: Ridgefield, CT
Many folks I meet express envy concerning my journey. They often state they would like to join with me. Many times I reply I would appreciate the company. Except I would need a much bigger form of transportation. I am quite comfortable in my PT-RV, but there is barely room for a passenger and even less space for their belongings. But, you know what? I think I would be fond of the companionship. To make that a reality, I would need to get a hold of enhanced accommodations. In the meantime, I am learning how to make this journey possible on a smaller scale. And that makes much sense, as I can take my initial lessons on a smaller scale. That kind of makes this Hobo Kindergarten.
My current lessons are focused on safety and sustainability. These two principles go together in that I need to learn how to be able to afford in a sustainable fashion the fundamentals that will provide me with comfort and all around good health. To carry this out, I needs develop the ongoing ability to engage with the folks I see and find ways to offer them services they need in exchange for the elements I need. I am reminded of the phrase that “the worker is worth his wages.” To this end I have expanded my repertoire of services. These are presented on my new business card. To wit:
Robert Kauffman….
fixer, tinker, cleaner
jester, clown,
healer, soothsayer,
and Patron Saint of storytellers ,
Guardian Angel for storekeepers
And with that in hand, today I head out into New England
My current lessons are focused on safety and sustainability. These two principles go together in that I need to learn how to be able to afford in a sustainable fashion the fundamentals that will provide me with comfort and all around good health. To carry this out, I needs develop the ongoing ability to engage with the folks I see and find ways to offer them services they need in exchange for the elements I need. I am reminded of the phrase that “the worker is worth his wages.” To this end I have expanded my repertoire of services. These are presented on my new business card. To wit:
Robert Kauffman….
fixer, tinker, cleaner
jester, clown,
healer, soothsayer,
and Patron Saint of storytellers ,
Guardian Angel for storekeepers
And with that in hand, today I head out into New England
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Another day of walking: North Salem, NY
Walking dogs on country roads, gives me opportunity to witness, how incredibly driven and intent are many of the drivers whose only purpose appears to be a rush to get out of this bucolic setting. I would guess they are heading off to work or some other form of business. Odd, it seems that I choose to join the walkers, horseback riders, and others who come out to this peaceful setting to ply our function, while many who choose to live here are hurrying to get away. It looks like a contrast in objectives.
I will likely spend another day walking, visiting and helping clean house before deciding on my next direction. It looks to be in an Easterly track, as I have many friends I would like to visit Down East. That phrase incidentally is how Canadians refer to their Atlantic Provinces. For a long time, I could not understand the meaning of the word “down” in reference to an Easterly direction. In the US down seemed to point South. But finally it came to me that down to the Canadians meant traveling Down the Saint Laurence River. Oddly enough the Saint Laurence flows in a north easterly direction, So for folks who traveled on that early highway down pointed Northerly as opposed to travelers in the US who went down the Mississippi /Missouri in a Southerly Direction.
I will likely spend another day walking, visiting and helping clean house before deciding on my next direction. It looks to be in an Easterly track, as I have many friends I would like to visit Down East. That phrase incidentally is how Canadians refer to their Atlantic Provinces. For a long time, I could not understand the meaning of the word “down” in reference to an Easterly direction. In the US down seemed to point South. But finally it came to me that down to the Canadians meant traveling Down the Saint Laurence River. Oddly enough the Saint Laurence flows in a north easterly direction, So for folks who traveled on that early highway down pointed Northerly as opposed to travelers in the US who went down the Mississippi /Missouri in a Southerly Direction.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Walking to New England: North Salem, NY
Walking provides a slightly slower method of travel than meandering on back -roads in my PT-RV. Being just two miles from the CT border, I could easily walk there and for practice I may well take that hike today. Yesterday, I briefly got on an interstate highway, going against my objective of not using that system. But shortly after arriving at Chris’s house we took his dog for a walk across a sizeable hilltop that comprises the summit of North Salem. So perhaps a walk of an equal segment of time atones for my slip-up caused by not paying good attention to signs pointing to the entry ramp of I-287.
My reasoning for not wanting to use the Interstate Highway System has several aspects. Firstly I wanted to visit the parts of this country that do not appear homogenous like nearly every exit-entry that offers traveling services on our major highway system. Secondly, by being forced to travel at much slower pace, enables me to take in a good deal more of the countryside as I pass. My reasoning here is by virtue of taking in more, I may recognize opportunities to stopover and partake more deeply of this venture. BKR provided me with that paradigm as he travels around the breadth of this country by bicycle towing a small bike trailer. He shares with me examples of phenomenon he finds by virtue of traveling slow enough to be able to perceive them.
My goal is to get hold of the calculus of that method, except I am not yet able to travel lightly enough to make this journey by bicycle. I believe there may be an important principle contained herein. Namely, that the lighter our burden, the more we are able to take in and receive.
My reasoning for not wanting to use the Interstate Highway System has several aspects. Firstly I wanted to visit the parts of this country that do not appear homogenous like nearly every exit-entry that offers traveling services on our major highway system. Secondly, by being forced to travel at much slower pace, enables me to take in a good deal more of the countryside as I pass. My reasoning here is by virtue of taking in more, I may recognize opportunities to stopover and partake more deeply of this venture. BKR provided me with that paradigm as he travels around the breadth of this country by bicycle towing a small bike trailer. He shares with me examples of phenomenon he finds by virtue of traveling slow enough to be able to perceive them.
My goal is to get hold of the calculus of that method, except I am not yet able to travel lightly enough to make this journey by bicycle. I believe there may be an important principle contained herein. Namely, that the lighter our burden, the more we are able to take in and receive.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Staying safe: Mine Hill, NJ
I began heading to New England yesterday. Now, I understand why birds fly South. It gets progressively colder. And last night, I gave in by checking into a motel. It was not just the cold; I could have stayed in my RV with my two Polar sleeping bags. It was just as I got closer to NYC, I felt less and less that I could be safe sleeping out in the open, and finding hiding places is getting less and less likely as I approach urbanization.
It was a mix of feelings as at first I felt like I gave into failure. But once I got into my room and enjoyed the warmth, I pondered is pride worth freezing for or things much worse in the cold world outside. Its to bad that the cold I percieve is not only in the temperature, but an impression of an unwelcome spirit to strangers pervades the atmosphere. I miss the warmth of yesterday, as I traveled the Delaware River from New Hope to Stroudsburg. I was able to meander and stop and chat with several folks on the way. Now I feel I must press on and get by the NYC area before I can get back to meander mode.
It was a mix of feelings as at first I felt like I gave into failure. But once I got into my room and enjoyed the warmth, I pondered is pride worth freezing for or things much worse in the cold world outside. Its to bad that the cold I percieve is not only in the temperature, but an impression of an unwelcome spirit to strangers pervades the atmosphere. I miss the warmth of yesterday, as I traveled the Delaware River from New Hope to Stroudsburg. I was able to meander and stop and chat with several folks on the way. Now I feel I must press on and get by the NYC area before I can get back to meander mode.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Looking is one thing; seeing is another: Lambertville, NJ
Yesterday, I pressed on and taking my cue from Washington, crossed the Delaware. Lambertville, NJ has a wealth of Antique stores and I spent a good part of the afternoon searching for one that would provide me with an opportunity to share some of my knowledge or expertise concerning antiques. Many of the shops were not open and in others the storekeepers were too busy to engage in tentative conversation. While exploring, I noticed a sign across the street that read “Apothecary Shoppe.” I crossed over and entered to see if they carried glycerin, a needed additive for soaking cane and reed.
While the chemist went into the back to see if they still had any glycerin, I took up a conversation with the clerk. As it turns out she had a question about restoring an old leather seated chair. It seems that a previous owner painted the leather and she wanted to remove the paint. We also discussed some basic refinishing principles. Upon returning from the rear of the store, the pharmacist joined in the discussion and added refinishing facts concerning the woodwork on his boat. As I was leaving and wanting to comfort the clerk that she could be fervent in working with the leather I assured, “Leather is tough, that why animals use it for skin.” The owner gave me a sizeable wink, we all beamed greatly, as I turned to leave.
While the chemist went into the back to see if they still had any glycerin, I took up a conversation with the clerk. As it turns out she had a question about restoring an old leather seated chair. It seems that a previous owner painted the leather and she wanted to remove the paint. We also discussed some basic refinishing principles. Upon returning from the rear of the store, the pharmacist joined in the discussion and added refinishing facts concerning the woodwork on his boat. As I was leaving and wanting to comfort the clerk that she could be fervent in working with the leather I assured, “Leather is tough, that why animals use it for skin.” The owner gave me a sizeable wink, we all beamed greatly, as I turned to leave.
Friday, February 22, 2008
On the way with direction : New Hope, PA
Yesterday slowly swung into focus. The purpose, meaning, and intent of my journeying obtained clarity. Over the past couple of days I developed a business like attitude about my venturing. This brings into line many of the ideas that have been churning for so long they likely take on the characteristics of butter. That is they become more solid and able to withstand passage of time. I wonder if they would be called sweet or salted. In conclusion, I now have a solid place to stand when describing my journey. In fact I have a business card.
With Sue and Alison’s help I was able to put together a business card that can be handed out along the way. It succulently describes my calling and gives contact information. Today begins the excursion to pass them out. An apt description would be a sample:
Robert Kauffman….
RUSH SEATING (artificial and natural)
We can design a workshop to fit your schedule:
cell: removed for privacy
email:removed for privacy
With Sue and Alison’s help I was able to put together a business card that can be handed out along the way. It succulently describes my calling and gives contact information. Today begins the excursion to pass them out. An apt description would be a sample:
Robert Kauffman….
RUSH SEATING (artificial and natural)
We can design a workshop to fit your schedule:
cell: removed for privacy
email:removed for privacy
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Settled into the Unsettling: New Hope, PA
Sometimes unsettled seems to be the place to sit. It never seems comfortable not knowing what will appear soon as the waters settle. Experience tells me that the best course of action is to sit and wait. Any movement seems to only stir things up and that does not hasten the settling. Perhaps, I need to sit to let the scattered parts of myself collect, gather and reassemble. And that does not need much explanation, only action. Sitting still as the action for the day.
Maybe this all got started when I went into the Post Office to purchase a stamped envelope. The patron in front of me asked for some “Forever” stamps. The clerk replied, “ We have no more, but they are on order. Come back in about a week.” They finished their business and I stepped up to the window. After asking for a stamped envelope I threw in this aside, “”Forever stamps, huh? Sounds suspicious to me.” The clerk quite seriously informed me, “ The forever stamps will always pay the first class rate even if the rates increase.” I quickly assured, “I believe you and trust that the Post Office will honor its pledge, but ‘forever,’ sounds like till the end of time. Are we planning something?” The clerk did not respond but put his head down and counted out ,my change, handed it to me and wished me a good day. As I walked away, I added, “ And a good day to you too, “Forever.”
Maybe this all got started when I went into the Post Office to purchase a stamped envelope. The patron in front of me asked for some “Forever” stamps. The clerk replied, “ We have no more, but they are on order. Come back in about a week.” They finished their business and I stepped up to the window. After asking for a stamped envelope I threw in this aside, “”Forever stamps, huh? Sounds suspicious to me.” The clerk quite seriously informed me, “ The forever stamps will always pay the first class rate even if the rates increase.” I quickly assured, “I believe you and trust that the Post Office will honor its pledge, but ‘forever,’ sounds like till the end of time. Are we planning something?” The clerk did not respond but put his head down and counted out ,my change, handed it to me and wished me a good day. As I walked away, I added, “ And a good day to you too, “Forever.”
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Where the Rubber meets the Road: Princeton, NJ
The phrase “where the rubber meets the road” churned in my mind this morning. While contemplating that slogan, it expanded into “where the dream meets the present,” and “where the talk meets the walk.” Today’s blog will examine my current venture through the lens provided by these phrases. This adventure is certainly one I have dreamed about for a long time. It is also one that has been thought about, talked upon and held in prayer. So, as I ventured out the words, ideas, and desires turned into passage. Lastly, my conveyance certainly illustrates rubber (or at least latex) meeting the road.
As, I mused my wanderings, they held two fold purpose. Constantly being on the move was neither of them. Conversely, I sought an ever changing setting to achieve landing and connection. I envisioned unearthing an expanding succession of spots that would provide relationships and enable me to achieve support for my traveling ministry. So far this trip has been more roaming and less sojourning. The brief stops have mostly been mostly nurturing old relationships and less concerned with sowing new ones. So, I hear the call to halt the excursion and explore fertile ground to sow the seeds of new associations. Heeding this call will bring into the present my deep-rooted dream.
The second part of my vision contained the elements of being able to find support for my travels. To keep this trip sustainable meant that I developed and honed a set of skills that were transportable, marketable and desirable. I focused on becoming adept as a tinker, fixer, cleaner, jester, clown, healer and mystic.
So far on this journey, I have for the most part been relying on my own resources which has prevented me from looking for places where my skills might be brought to display. Bringing these out would swing into being the other part of my work--finding support while becoming a supporting part of my present surroundings.
As, I mused my wanderings, they held two fold purpose. Constantly being on the move was neither of them. Conversely, I sought an ever changing setting to achieve landing and connection. I envisioned unearthing an expanding succession of spots that would provide relationships and enable me to achieve support for my traveling ministry. So far this trip has been more roaming and less sojourning. The brief stops have mostly been mostly nurturing old relationships and less concerned with sowing new ones. So, I hear the call to halt the excursion and explore fertile ground to sow the seeds of new associations. Heeding this call will bring into the present my deep-rooted dream.
The second part of my vision contained the elements of being able to find support for my travels. To keep this trip sustainable meant that I developed and honed a set of skills that were transportable, marketable and desirable. I focused on becoming adept as a tinker, fixer, cleaner, jester, clown, healer and mystic.
So far on this journey, I have for the most part been relying on my own resources which has prevented me from looking for places where my skills might be brought to display. Bringing these out would swing into being the other part of my work--finding support while becoming a supporting part of my present surroundings.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
A day at the beach: Point Pleasant, NJ
Fate kept me from traveling on. I arranged to perform some painting work for my hostess. A small piece of painting work seemed a fair exchange for two nights of indoor sleeping, a nice meal, good company and a game of scrabble. Before I began painting the interior of a newly installed bay window, I figured to take advantage of the spring like weather and walk the several blocks to the beach and listen to the ocean. On the way there I was awarded the opportunity to engage in one of my favorite pastimes--spontaneous creative nonsense. As I approached the beach a large late model car pulled over, rolled down its window and the woman in the passenger seat asked me if there was a boardwalk on the beach ahead. I informed her that I had never been to this beach, but offered to walk ahead and ascend the ramp and find out there was a boardwalk.
I told the driver to pull ahead into a parking space and I would signal him if I observed the boardwalk. He offered, “If she doesn’t get to her walk, I get into trouble.” I presumed they were a long married couple with a good sense of humor. They pulled ahead and I walked toward the ramp. As I approached their parked car two women were descending the ramp and by the time I arrived had already informed the couple that a boardwalk did not exist here but one was available several blocks to the north.
I reached into the car and gave a slight squeeze on the man’s wrist, winked at his wife and offered, “I completely understand that if she doesn’t get what she wants, you are in trouble.” He put on a broad smile and questioned, “When I get to this boardwalk and she takes her walk, will there be a place where I can sit and likely be approached by an attractive woman?’ One of the two women standing there replied, “Most certainly and likely wearing stretch Lycra tights too.” With that I declared, “ You probably should go to Alice’s Restaurant.” He looked at me quizzically, “ What’s that?” “That’s where you can get anything you want,”, I smiled broadly. His wife chimed in “Oh that’s a song, isn’t it?” Reaching over and giving the man’s arm a final embrace, I commiserated, “Yup, you can get anything you want, excepting Alice.” We all beamed broadly, wished each other a beautiful day, and I ascended the ramp to witness another kind of sunshine brightening the horizon.
I told the driver to pull ahead into a parking space and I would signal him if I observed the boardwalk. He offered, “If she doesn’t get to her walk, I get into trouble.” I presumed they were a long married couple with a good sense of humor. They pulled ahead and I walked toward the ramp. As I approached their parked car two women were descending the ramp and by the time I arrived had already informed the couple that a boardwalk did not exist here but one was available several blocks to the north.
I reached into the car and gave a slight squeeze on the man’s wrist, winked at his wife and offered, “I completely understand that if she doesn’t get what she wants, you are in trouble.” He put on a broad smile and questioned, “When I get to this boardwalk and she takes her walk, will there be a place where I can sit and likely be approached by an attractive woman?’ One of the two women standing there replied, “Most certainly and likely wearing stretch Lycra tights too.” With that I declared, “ You probably should go to Alice’s Restaurant.” He looked at me quizzically, “ What’s that?” “That’s where you can get anything you want,”, I smiled broadly. His wife chimed in “Oh that’s a song, isn’t it?” Reaching over and giving the man’s arm a final embrace, I commiserated, “Yup, you can get anything you want, excepting Alice.” We all beamed broadly, wished each other a beautiful day, and I ascended the ramp to witness another kind of sunshine brightening the horizon.
Monday, February 18, 2008
A Hobo's day off: Point Pleasant, NJ
By definition a hobo is one who travels around and is willing to work. I am traveling around with a rudiment of tools to conduct work and am quite willing to engage with that endeavor. My goal is to be able and willing to work but not take on a job commitment. Therefore, it is established that I am a Hobo and one without shame. But without the boundaries of a job what are the parameters of a hobo’s work conditions? For instance today is a legal holiday and most official working folks have the day off, often with pay. For me it seems no different than any other day. If a suitable opportunity presents, I will likely engage. If not, there is still no pay.
Today finds me at the Jersey shore. A work opportunity may present. It looks like a good day for being outside. In the meantime, I did get to visit with a friend and gain access to sleeping indoors, a hot shower and laundry facilities. Yesterday’s bout with loneliness passed and I found that staying in the moment and using the telephone aids in its departure. Sunday is a day when I have unlimited minutes of cell phone usage and being on a fixed income, I take advantage of that and call as much as I can. Anyone I missed, hang in there. More Sundays are coming.
Today finds me at the Jersey shore. A work opportunity may present. It looks like a good day for being outside. In the meantime, I did get to visit with a friend and gain access to sleeping indoors, a hot shower and laundry facilities. Yesterday’s bout with loneliness passed and I found that staying in the moment and using the telephone aids in its departure. Sunday is a day when I have unlimited minutes of cell phone usage and being on a fixed income, I take advantage of that and call as much as I can. Anyone I missed, hang in there. More Sundays are coming.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Taking Care: Milford,NJ
Yesterday, my main goal was to secure an adequate resting place for my car during the night. After crossing over to the New Jersey side of the Delaware River, I arrived in Milford. I spent awhile exploring near the river bank, then walked around into the central part of town. Chancing upon an antique store I was able to secure a safe overnight parking place in exchange for replacing a rush seat. My pony and I found a restful night and we both slept well. Except I awoke in the morning missing all the friends I left behind and feeling lonely. So today will focus on accommodating my needs.
Living for a while in a community drenched me with human contact. Being alone on the road is completely on the other side of that occurrence. I have always referred to balance as that imaginary point I cross over when I travel from one extreme to the other. I certainly crossed over in this case except I do not remember recognizing a sign of balance. Today, I will seek some human connection while I am processing the folks I miss. Anxiety tells me to rush back to those friends, my right mind tells me to press on and find a new contact. Stay tuned.
Living for a while in a community drenched me with human contact. Being alone on the road is completely on the other side of that occurrence. I have always referred to balance as that imaginary point I cross over when I travel from one extreme to the other. I certainly crossed over in this case except I do not remember recognizing a sign of balance. Today, I will seek some human connection while I am processing the folks I miss. Anxiety tells me to rush back to those friends, my right mind tells me to press on and find a new contact. Stay tuned.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Caring for my Pony: Riegelsville, PA
Prior to the automobile many itinerants journeyed with a horse. They either rode it or used it to carry their belongings. No matter what, their animal was worthy of their utmost care and concern. For this journey, God blessed me with a fine machine that carries out the function that horses earlier performed. Holding my automobile in this light means I will need to make the appropriate exchanges to provide for the feeding, stabling and grazing room for my pony. Without making these arrangements yesterday my horse was restless and fitful during the night and will need extra attention today.
To accomplish this I will need to settle earlier in the day. This will mean stopping earlier, engaging with folks and finding suitable parking area for my pony. It seems that I will likely develop a traveling schedule for the days when I am moving. Today I will cross the Delaware River several miles downstream from the Park where I spent the night on the banks of the river. I already met with folks, engaged in business with a shopkeeper and am ready to begin the tour.
To accomplish this I will need to settle earlier in the day. This will mean stopping earlier, engaging with folks and finding suitable parking area for my pony. It seems that I will likely develop a traveling schedule for the days when I am moving. Today I will cross the Delaware River several miles downstream from the Park where I spent the night on the banks of the river. I already met with folks, engaged in business with a shopkeeper and am ready to begin the tour.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Stopping and Going: Allentown, PA
Yesterday, I discoursed on choosing and following directions and bypassing obstacles. As important as obtaining bearings and heading is to fathom when to get going and when to stop off. I guess folks who hopped freight trains were well accustomed to practicing this metaphor. Catching a wave, riding it and finally sinking into the surf is another example of this allegory. In a mega significance, my small journey is symbolic of the journey of life. During our life span we are endlessly choosing a route, engaging, disengaging, losing our way, pausing, reflecting, changing course, and finding new beginnings, all the while praying and hoping we are not met head on with disaster.
Today finds me visiting with my Spiritual Friend Wilson. Our objective is to obtain grounding and beseech Blessing on my allegorical venture. Then I will put into practice these concepts I have introduced. I intend to head off in a Southeasterly direction; meaning in the morning the sun will be in my face. If I continue in this direction by late afternoon, the sun will be setting behind my right shoulder. I will get to choose when to set off and Fate will determine where I will be when today’s wave exhausts.
Today finds me visiting with my Spiritual Friend Wilson. Our objective is to obtain grounding and beseech Blessing on my allegorical venture. Then I will put into practice these concepts I have introduced. I intend to head off in a Southeasterly direction; meaning in the morning the sun will be in my face. If I continue in this direction by late afternoon, the sun will be setting behind my right shoulder. I will get to choose when to set off and Fate will determine where I will be when today’s wave exhausts.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
On the loose without a Map: Norristown,PA
This adventure will be without the benefit of a map, at least one I am carrying with me. Is that a male thing or an adventurer thing? Meg was telling me that she did not like traveling in that fashion. That reminds me of going about in the company of Wendy. She had need to plan and organize every aspect of the journey before she was ready to set out. How can I plan for diversions? Those are important to me. Since I consider that most gifts are delivered unexpectedly, I want to be able to glance over and move aside should something capture my attention. Now I do have a direction, but that only requires a compass. Mine is built in.
Things my internal compass knows: When the sun is at your back you are traveling Northerly; In the early morning the sun at your back indicates travel in the Northwesterly direction; The afternoon sun at your back points you in a Northeasterly direction. The obverse of these axioms are in effect should the sun be in your face. Upon facing a river, a left or right turn will eventually lead to a bridge. If you cross the bridge you are on the other side of the river. The same holds true of other obstacles. Only some obstacles are not skirted by bridges, but can be passed by a series of left-right-right-left turns. The feminine part of me dictates that if I really get lost asking directions is permissable. Today I venture Northeastrly. The sun is at my back. So far, so good.
As I press on, I feel the tug of all the relations I left behind. This tug will lead me someday to be traveling with the sun in my face.
Things my internal compass knows: When the sun is at your back you are traveling Northerly; In the early morning the sun at your back indicates travel in the Northwesterly direction; The afternoon sun at your back points you in a Northeasterly direction. The obverse of these axioms are in effect should the sun be in your face. Upon facing a river, a left or right turn will eventually lead to a bridge. If you cross the bridge you are on the other side of the river. The same holds true of other obstacles. Only some obstacles are not skirted by bridges, but can be passed by a series of left-right-right-left turns. The feminine part of me dictates that if I really get lost asking directions is permissable. Today I venture Northeastrly. The sun is at my back. So far, so good.
As I press on, I feel the tug of all the relations I left behind. This tug will lead me someday to be traveling with the sun in my face.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Now I'm gone: Near Media, PA
This is my second post for today. I intend to post every day. Yesterday's post arrived in the early AM of today. Well tonight I am staying in my vehicle. I finished all my cleaning and preparing. Then at the end of the day Larry, Mary, George, and Jane took me out to dinner to celebrate this adventure. It was nice to share this last evening with good freinds before heading into my car. I walked out to my car and showed my accomodations to Peggy. She approved and wished she could go with me. That would take a bigger vehicle. I will return to my former home in the morning to say goodbye to all the folks I missed tonight.
Then its off on an adventure. For the past sevreal days, I have been writing this journal in the evening. Tommorow's editon will be posted in the AM.
Then its off on an adventure. For the past sevreal days, I have been writing this journal in the evening. Tommorow's editon will be posted in the AM.
Staying another day: Wallingford, PA
I guess it is just not time to leave. Many events seemed to stack up against my plan to depart this morning. For one thing I was not able to finish my cleaning painting project in my old room. Now I will get a chance to finish the job in an unhurried fashion. That way I can be more thourough and attend to every detail. Additionally, the project of turning my vehicle into a traveling room gets more attention. It is beginning to look cozy. Jen even provided me with a gift of framed art that I can hang on one of my "walls." Tonight I may even sleep in it to see if I can stay warm. The weather promises to act appropriately for Mid Atlantic winter.
The most compelling reason to stay on another night is to finish the housekeeping on several relationships I will be leaving behind. Having spent the past 18 months living in Community there is a wealth of folks partaking in this parting. Larry offered to gather a few together and have a Celebratory Dinner. Well Yes, I will stay another night. The same as my room cleaning project I will be able to attend to the seperations in a more delibrate fashion and attend to more detail. It seems like the door will be properly closed whence I leave. Properly closed doors invite simple reopening upon return. It feels better to leave with a feeling that revisiting is not closed.
The most compelling reason to stay on another night is to finish the housekeeping on several relationships I will be leaving behind. Having spent the past 18 months living in Community there is a wealth of folks partaking in this parting. Larry offered to gather a few together and have a Celebratory Dinner. Well Yes, I will stay another night. The same as my room cleaning project I will be able to attend to the seperations in a more delibrate fashion and attend to more detail. It seems like the door will be properly closed whence I leave. Properly closed doors invite simple reopening upon return. It feels better to leave with a feeling that revisiting is not closed.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Cleaning up: Wallingford, PA
There is both tedium and pleasure when going about cleaning up my campsite. In this case, my campground is a large (20'x18') bedroom and attached bathroom overlooking a large landscaped backyard that abuts a forested area. Shortly into the forest is the PA champion European Beech tree. It may already be the US champion. I do not know how this is determined but occasionally some officals come and take measurements. I have two small dormer type windows that give a commanding view of this vista. In over 18 months in this room, I hardly took the time to dwell upon the wonderful setting that is my back yard. Today, after parting the curtains to prepare the walls for paint, I spent substantial moments in appreciatation of my lodgings.
Along with the work of sweeping up the remnants of my life for the past year. I was gathering the items that got misplaced and waylaid in a room that missed regular housekeeping while I was the dweller. Several of my things that went missing and were a joyous surprise to reappear, sprang forward as I pushed the pile of debris into an ever decreasing space. The best of these bits and pieces were pictures from the past two years, several cards and notes from loved ones and most of all my first grade report card that was sent to me by my sister. She is the caretaker of the family archives. I am grateful that it did not get swept up and discarded. It bears witness to the fact that on at least one account I achieved an excellent rating in both behavior and attitude.
Along with the work of sweeping up the remnants of my life for the past year. I was gathering the items that got misplaced and waylaid in a room that missed regular housekeeping while I was the dweller. Several of my things that went missing and were a joyous surprise to reappear, sprang forward as I pushed the pile of debris into an ever decreasing space. The best of these bits and pieces were pictures from the past two years, several cards and notes from loved ones and most of all my first grade report card that was sent to me by my sister. She is the caretaker of the family archives. I am grateful that it did not get swept up and discarded. It bears witness to the fact that on at least one account I achieved an excellent rating in both behavior and attitude.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Fits and Starts: Auburn, NY
Several times when heading off, I would be drawn back to the starting gate to further prepare for the journey or tie up some remaining loose ends. Yesterday, I sallied forth to carry the last of my belongings to my storage, a round trip of over 500 miles. I planned for and will return to my former residence to settle physical and spiritual matters and prepare for a leaving. Departing without a definate schedule allows for time to leave spontaneously, yet unhurried. The moment of departure is a sharp point. The next two days will consist of standing on that edge waiting for the right moment to give a push off. How different it is to travel by the schedule of common carriers and being forced to leave when they are ready. I prefer to leave the driving to me.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
A name for my car: Whitney Point, NY
Kurt suggested a name for my car--Bindle Stick. How appropiate. I had to look up the meaning and it's the name for the stick that Hoboes used to hold their tied up bundle of belongings and sling over their shoulder as they trudged on their way. In a sense my vehicle is such a stick carrying my bundle of belongings on my journey. I feel an affinity for those who choose to live on the road. I gather it is often deeper that circumstance, but rather has a spiritual dimension.
Travelers and Pilgrims have walked, paddled, rode horses and wagons, pulled carts, pedeled bicycles and now get about in motorized vehicles. Mine is a PT Cruiser that I have designated a PT-RV. Remaining true to Gyspy tradition, I carry no more than needed to provide for my well being and calling. I also carry a small amounts of items that are destined as gifts. I wonder if in this day, Jesus would permit his Apostles to go forth in automobiles. I still try to adher to the principle of taking no thought of the morrow, in that it will take care of itself. Sufficient is the day of our Journey. Today sees me in Auburn NY, to visit with an aquaintance.
Travelers and Pilgrims have walked, paddled, rode horses and wagons, pulled carts, pedeled bicycles and now get about in motorized vehicles. Mine is a PT Cruiser that I have designated a PT-RV. Remaining true to Gyspy tradition, I carry no more than needed to provide for my well being and calling. I also carry a small amounts of items that are destined as gifts. I wonder if in this day, Jesus would permit his Apostles to go forth in automobiles. I still try to adher to the principle of taking no thought of the morrow, in that it will take care of itself. Sufficient is the day of our Journey. Today sees me in Auburn NY, to visit with an aquaintance.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Last day on the Job: Wallingford, PA
Well, this is it. Today is my last day of employment for an Institution and a beginning of a sojourn into the ranks of the self-unemployed. By not having a job commitment, my hope is that I will be free to engage with whatever of my Father's work appears. It begins today with a small celebration by the folks here who want to bid me farewell. Next comes the building of a small bonfire with Gabriel. He did not get a chance to attend the Mardi Gras bonfire, as it was too late on a school night. Gabriel is an apt student of fire building and keeper of the flame. Beside that, I will just keep my attention to immediate concerns begging my attention. My own concerns include packing up the remnants of my Stuff that is headed for storage whilst I am journeying about.
We had a farewell party and plenty of hugs. I noticed that many folks expressed they would miss me and have difficulty finding my replacemnet. I remarked, "That is easy for you, you only have to replace me, while I have to replace all of you." Parting is such sweet sorrow. Even though it is my last day of work, I will stay around for a couple of days to paint and clean my room. This goes with the adage," Leave your campsite cleaner that you found it."
We had a farewell party and plenty of hugs. I noticed that many folks expressed they would miss me and have difficulty finding my replacemnet. I remarked, "That is easy for you, you only have to replace me, while I have to replace all of you." Parting is such sweet sorrow. Even though it is my last day of work, I will stay around for a couple of days to paint and clean my room. This goes with the adage," Leave your campsite cleaner that you found it."
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Blog Archive
- Mixed Feelings: Dartmouth, MA
- Honoring a commitment: Dartmouth, MA
- Gotta get a bigger bus: Ridgefield, CT
- Another day of walking: North Salem, NY
- Walking to New England: North Salem, NY
- Staying safe: Mine Hill, NJ
- Looking is one thing; seeing is another: Lambertvi...
- On the way with direction : New Hope, PA
- Settled into the Unsettling: New Hope, PA
- Where the Rubber meets the Road: Princeton, NJ
- A day at the beach: Point Pleasant, NJ
- A Hobo's day off: Point Pleasant, NJ
- Taking Care: Milford,NJ
- Caring for my Pony: Riegelsville, PA
- Stopping and Going: Allentown, PA
- On the loose without a Map: Norristown,PA
- Now I'm gone: Near Media, PA
- Staying another day: Wallingford, PA
- Cleaning up: Wallingford, PA
- Fits and Starts: Auburn, NY
- A name for my car: Whitney Point, NY
- Last day on the Job: Wallingford, PA
About Me, Part One
- Baba Rob
- Rock Balancing: The Beginning. What began as a journal of my travels took a hiatus when I began to settle in Ithaca NY. In the meantime, I took up the practice of setting rocks to balance. I returned to my blog to begin recording this story
Part, The second
On Easter Sunday Morning, 2008, I made a decision to settle in the Ithaca New York area. At the same time, I decided to continue to post my blog, However, the stories now will come from the archive stored internally. These will be the stories I gathered while on previous journeys and never entrusted to paper. The date of each posting will not reflect the date of the story being related but will mark the date that narrative got inscribed.
Carry wood
33 years later
Part: The third
I took a brief hiatus from my daily blog writing. I did not know the direction it would take. part of me thought I would abandon it. It turns out I missed it. The old title "On the Road Again' is no longer apt. It appears I am settling. The travel stories will age to a point, when I will probably resusitiate them and do something with them. I dusted off some old stories and begin this new series.
Thr first is one was written two years ago. I edited it and begin again a series that is more apropos to someone settling in upper New York State. They are meant to warm, amuse, educate and sometimes inflame.
Thr first is one was written two years ago. I edited it and begin again a series that is more apropos to someone settling in upper New York State. They are meant to warm, amuse, educate and sometimes inflame.